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Campaign overview

Find out the details of a campaign and the activity associated with it.

To view a campaign's details, go to My Products > Phish Threat > Campaigns and click a campaign.

You can edit, delete, and clone an Active Campaign and an Upcoming Campaign.


You can't edit Past Campaigns.

You can do the following actions:

  • Edit: Lets you edit your campaign details. For example, you can update the campaign name, training, or users.
  • Delete: Lets you delete a campaign. You can't undo deletion.
  • Clone: Lets you clone a campaign. Campaign clones appear in the Campaign Drafts section.


    The campaign name displays the date when the campaign clone was created. Clones have the same campaign details as the original one. Click the clone to edit the campaign details.

The campaign summary shows the key high-level metrics for your campaign as well as the campaign start and end dates. You can see the following details:

  • The donut charts represent the metrics related to the email delivery status, the user events, and actions on the email.
  • Paused: Displays details for paused campaigns. The start and end dates are displayed depending on the campaign status. If a campaign was paused and resumed multiple times, only the latest pause and resume dates are displayed. See Pause a campaign.
  • Campaign response timeline: Plots user activity over the first few hours and days of your campaign, showing emails sent, users caught, and users who reported during each hour of the campaign period. This is helpful for understanding how quickly a breach could occur in the event of a real phishing attack.
  • Device breakdown: Shows the types of device on which emails were opened and the types of device on which emails caught users.
  • User Behavior: Shows the responses of users to the emails.
  • Email: Shows the emails that are sent to users. Depending on the type of campaign, this includes the attack email, the training enrollment email, and the training reminder email.
  • Training: Shows which training course, if any, you selected for the campaign.
  • Export to CSV: Lets you export additional information, such as when the user clicked or opened a campaign email.