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Enrollment methods

Depending on the device type, there are different enrollment methods.

All devices

All devices support the following enrollment methods.

Add device assistant

The Add device assistant provides an easy to follow workflow to enroll a device. See Use the Add device assistant.

Manual enrollment

If required, you can do the enrollment tasks instead of using the Add device assistant. See Enroll individual devices.

Sophos Central Self Service Portal

Your users can enroll their devices themselves. See Configure Sophos Central Self Service Portal.

Android devices

Android devices support the following additional enrollment methods.

QR code enrollment

This method lets you enroll Android Enterprise fully managed devices by scanning a QR code during the device setup. See QR code enrollment.

You can create different QR codes for user-assigned and user-less devices. For details on user-less Android devices, see User-less Android devices.

Zero-touch enrollment

This method lets you enroll Android Enterprise fully managed devices. Devices automatically enroll with Sophos Mobile when users turn them on for the first time and run the setup assistant.

Zero-touch enrollment is available for zero-touch enabled Android devices that you purchased from a Google-approved enterprise reseller.

When setting up Zero-touch enrollment, you must decide whether to enroll user-assigned or user-less devices. For user-assigned devices, you can configure Sophos Mobile to automatically assign a user to the device during enrollment.

For details on configuring Zero-touch enrollment, see Zero-touch enrollment.

For details on configuring automatic user assignment, see Auto-assign users to auto-enrolled devices.

For details on user-less Android devices, see User-less Android devices.

Knox Mobile Enrollment

This method lets you enroll Samsung devices with Sophos Mobile in Android Enterprise mode. Devices automatically enroll with Sophos Mobile when users turn them on for the first time and run the setup assistant.

Depending on your configuration, Sophos Mobile assigns the user to the device during enrollment.

See Knox Mobile Enrollment and Auto-assign users to auto-enrolled devices.

iPhones and iPads

iPhones and iPads support the following additional enrollment methods.

Apple Business Manager

When you purchase iPhones or iPads via Apple Business Manager, you can configure them to automatically enroll with Sophos Mobile when users run the setup assistant.

Devices are in supervised mode.

Depending on your configuration, Sophos Mobile assigns the user to the device during enrollment.

See Apple Business Manager and Auto-assign users to auto-enrolled devices.

For more information about supervised devices, see About Apple device supervision.

Apple Configurator 2

This is a macOS app from Apple that lets you prepare iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices for deployment in your organization. iPhones and iPads automatically enroll with Sophos Mobile when users turn them on for the first time and run the setup assistant.

Depending on your configuration in Apple Configurator 2, devices are in supervised mode.

See Auto-enroll iPhones and iPads.


When you purchase Macs via Apple Business Manager, you can configure them to automatically enroll with Sophos Mobile when users run the setup assistant.

Depending on your configuration, Sophos Mobile assigns the user to the device during enrollment.

See Apple Business Manager and Auto-assign users to auto-enrolled devices.

Chrome devices

When you’re using Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), you can configure Sophos Chrome Security to automatically enroll with Sophos Mobile when a Google Workspace user signs in to a Chrome device.

See Sophos Chrome Security.